Thursday, 22 April 2010

Aura colour and photography workshop

The workshop took place on 17th April 2010

It was a good turn out with people having a good standing of the aura and colour as well as some who did not have to much experience of this subject, so a nice balance was obtained.

I must admit to the group taking on board the dynamics and structure of the human aura very well indeed, with question arising from the teaching being discussed and answered to the satisfaction of the enquirer.

The event ran over the course of the day with a break for some lunch and a walk around the garden to freshen the mind for the practical elements of the workshop. The event culminated in aura photographs being taken and interpreted by the group based upon what they had learned through the day.

My next workshop is taking place on 24th April at Wath upon Derne Spiritualist church 10:30 to 4:30 and will be based upon aura art (refer to and view my artwork and explanations of how it is completed.

I am currently planning more workshops - so watch this space.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


Good day to you all, I have been extremely busy this past few weeks, this is always nice as it keeps the roof over my head and the car on the road, and of course a fat belly with all the pies I have been eating.

A turbulent couple of months have seen an engagement come and go, the shortest on record I dare say. It is nice however that we are both staying as friends, for how can you be some intimate, both physically and emotionally and stay so.

I have also made some inroads into my career, having passed and interview and trail period for

My readings are beginning to reflect this aspect as I am now able to offer both Spiritualist readings whereby I connect with your loved ones in spirit and psychic readings by way of a suggested future that could take place around you. Each are conducted on a one to one or party booking basis

Wishing you all well
