Thursday, 10 June 2010

psychic artwork

I am demonstrating tonight at Sutton in Ashfield Spiritualist church.

Over the last three days I have been going into my office and calming the mind and letting the pastels paint a picture. It seems a little strange though expectant in a way that the way in which the drawing is completed.

I found myself pacing up and down, feelings of agitation, wanting to slam the colours down to tear up the paper, yet I came to understand that these were the feelings associated with the person for who the drawing is for. The sensitivities inherent with this work have begun to permeate into my perceptions, I gain a deeper insight into what is occurring around the person indicated by association to the drawing.

The symbology depiction too has begun to change, faces and figures appear at will, random images it seems, a depiction of personalities perhaps.

I will post some of the artwork from this demonstration into the blog tomorrow.

Be well

Friday, 4 June 2010

Inspirational verse

The text below was given from the spirit side of life, the words of inspiration uttered by the beautiful persona of my friend Bullawao

Progress can not be measured by wealth, for money does not grow on trees, true progress can be seen etched on the face of loved ones, both family and friends, progress is the opening of the heart, letting the song of life speak freely amongst all peoples, no matter their colour or creed.

Progress is enshrouded in opportunity, freely given each and every day of your lives, progress is in the understanding and rising to these opportunities, recognising the web of life as it in turn weaves around the world, through all countries and nations, no matter their beliefs.

Progress is linked to each and every one, to every heart that beats, to every flower that reaches towards the sun, to every tree that gives shade, to each river that feeds the land, to all peoples, for all are woven in the fabric of life, what we do to each other, we do unto ourselves

Progress comes with respect for the pathways of others which though not our own are nonetheless intertwined.


Thursday, 3 June 2010



Forgiveness is letting go of grudges and embittered feelings caused by being hurt, more so by a person you love. We have a tendency to hold onto anger, resentment and thoughts of revenge, it clouds our hearts with an emptiness, the spark of light that represents our true selves, our spirit within is dulled, a withering flame.

What is forgiveness – it is a conscious choice, a desire to let go our feelings of resentment, though the act of hurt itself may remain a lifetime, a pale memory of its former self, as through the act of forgiveness the icy grip is lessened, the spark of spirit glows ever so bright, the shadow within being cast asunder, a lightness of heart, a smile upon the face once more, a radiance within.

It is not an easy path to tread, yet by taking those first tender steps gladdens a weary heart, and allows for personal and spiritual growth to take place, for in choosing to forgive allows a greater understanding and empathy with the person who caused the hurt, we can see more clearly, for the spark of light we each carry seeks the light of others.