Thursday, 19 August 2010

aura art

I will be doing a demonstration of aura art on 19th August at Warmsworth and Eglington Spiritualist church commencing 7pm and a further demonstration at the Fir Trees Spiritual centre on 21st August.

Above is a selection of drawings compiled so far. Would be good to see you there - be well

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

colour workshop

The colour workshop hosted by took place on 15th August at 10 am. There was a full house consisting of lovely people who were eager to learn, lots of questions asked, leading to more questions and fantastic interaction.

I feel that a lot was learned, from student and teacher, questions leading to other questions some quite thought provoking, stimulating. The colours which were sensed and seen around each of the people were interpreted by the themselves with some surprising results.

The aura photography which took place later in the afternoon reinforced what people had seen themselves, helping to build upon what had been learned earlier in the day, and to build upon the confidence levels of all.

A big thank you to all

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Coal House Fort, Essex 31st July 2010

I must admit to being quite impressed with the level of interaction upon this event, the group of people were interactive and keen to interact which lead to such a high level of activity.

The latrine block used during the second world war as both a toilet and a shower block for the soldiers manning the guns were undoubtedly the most active I had experienced at this location. Stones were thrown around the room, the largest of these being a piece of concrete about 3 inches by 1 inch, bland in colour and landed on a table behind where the group where stood. The walls of the latrine area are painted in white, yet the piece of concrete was bland in colour. There were several smaller stones thrown onto the floor and on one occasion several people including myself were hit in the chest area by small stones.

Well worth the visit, and would highly recommend it