Monday, 23 May 2011


Well I have finally got off my backside and over the past couple of weeks have worked diligently in updating my spirit/ghost database.

It provides a snapshot into the paranormal over an eight year period, having visited 68 different locations on various occasions, and amassed some very detailed reports on the various ghosts and spirits at these various locations.

The data base itself helps to provide analysis on which time of year is the most active, do anniversaries play a part in the activity and of course with being able to see spirit and ghost energies very clearly, the details of the attire can lead to ascertaining which time period is most prolific.

Any ideas as to how to employ the analysis is greatly appreciated.


Galleries of justice

The galleries of justice event took place on the 13th May, some good activity having taken place, some noises in the large courtroom along with the appearance of a metal rod in the youth court later in the event.

Several noises were heard in the cave area, and the doorway leading between the cave and the chapel are was also banged upon.

A big thank you to all those involved on the event, to read the full report please visit