Monday, 29 August 2011

Guys Cliffe House

I recently visited this atmospheric location, some of the rooms are absolutely stunning lending an air of authority as well as intrigue. Some footsteps along with a bright flash of light were reported as was the presence of a monkey running around loose.

A most telling episode however was towards the end of the event, all but four people were sat within the coach house, a small group outside taking photographs, the flash of the camera making it seem as though it was lightening outside. A good majority of the group were asking if a person was stood to the bottom right hand corner of the room nearest the door. "yes there is" I replied, but not the detail of this person.....3 members of the group reported seeing a man in a top hat and dark clothing stood in this spot, yet when the torches were put on, no one was there....a gasp rose up from the apparition it seems

Full report coming soon

Friday, 26 August 2011

Old Friends

A phone call today from a person very dear to my heart, raised the room, my heart left my chest
the room filled with the aroma of happiness.

Off for a chat, a coffee or six -

A long time coming, glad to talk, my heart has moved


Thursday, 25 August 2011

Web pages

Hi folks

Just to say that my webpages ( have been updated, events for the coming month of September are now available to view.

Getting my backside into gear today, working on the outlines to my next book "I am me" exciting times ahead

be good

Monday, 22 August 2011

New Project

I have been thinking of creating a portfolio of my artwork from the very beginning back in 1998 when my drawings were in pencil and some charcoal - around the turn of the year some colour had begun to appear, then experimenting in water colours, chalk pastels and finally into soft pastels.

It was quite funny looking back at some of my work from October, November 1998, almost like peering into someone elses life,

What is planned at the moment is putting together a semblance of how I have developed as a psychic artist, from the initial conception to the more refined artwork of today.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. - be well

moon phases

I have been feeling quite out of it of late, well since around the first week of July, spaced out even, feelings of listlessness, apathy and generally can't be bothered attitude. What surprised me however is that I am far from alone in these feelings.

A lot of mediums who I have spoken to over the past couple of weeks have all expressed the same or similar feelings, could this be the ears magnetic energy changing or having taken a shift? thankfully it has finally worked its way out now, thank goodness.

Have you had any feelings on this, any theories? be great to hear from you - be good


Its been a little while since I have blogged on the blog..........

Things have been a little busy which is always a good thing, and I will endeavour to update on a more regular basis from now on. be good all