Monday, 22 August 2011

moon phases

I have been feeling quite out of it of late, well since around the first week of July, spaced out even, feelings of listlessness, apathy and generally can't be bothered attitude. What surprised me however is that I am far from alone in these feelings.

A lot of mediums who I have spoken to over the past couple of weeks have all expressed the same or similar feelings, could this be the ears magnetic energy changing or having taken a shift? thankfully it has finally worked its way out now, thank goodness.

Have you had any feelings on this, any theories? be great to hear from you - be good


  1. Sorry Im so like cant be bothered..I also paint with soft them..but just cant get motivated to do any since about June....!hope we both get our get up and go....cause mine has certainly went!!

  2. Thank you for your comments Laura - thankfully I have now begun to move out of it, thank goodness (polite version, trust me)

    I am setting work on writing my next book

    be good

