Monday 21 September 2009

Coal House Fort

Coal House Fort is situated nearby East Tilbury Docks, a coastal fort for the defence of the Thames leading into the capital. The Fort has seen a lot of action, especially the first and second world wars.

Blue, red and black uniforms have been worn at the fort, each denoting a particular arm, gunnery, infantry and engineering.

I was expecting some activity, and was not disapointed.

On return from the car park after waiting a little while for late comers, I approached the entrance way into the inner fort, and saw before me the glint of a bright torch light moving closer towards my direction. No doubt someone coming to find me and continue with the nights proceedings - yet on rounding the corner, there was no one to be seen...... everyone I discovered were in the base room having a health and safety talk by the fort staff prior to starting a brief history tour - who therefore was responsible for the torch light I saw so clearly......

The full report is now available to down load from

Monday 14 September 2009

Alford Manor House

Alford Manor House is situated in a small town in eastern Lincolnshire. From the outside it looks a quaint picturesque building, yet the many rooms hide the echos of time past, ghostly footseps are heard across a wooden floor............

The full report will be available soon and located at

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Golden Fleece 22nd August 2009

Well the full report is now online at both ( and (

the event was quite active with the majority of people having undergone some type of experience. Most notibale was the clicking of the door in St Catherines room, yet the Minster room was full of intrigue, oppression, and lots of activity.

Some electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) was recorded in this room, and could only be replicated by physically punching the leather sofa adjacent to the table atop which the digital dictaphone was placed.

I would recommend this venue, if of course you are brave enough........