Wednesday 24 November 2010

The Spirit of Christmas

Thursday, December 9 · 7:30pm - 10:30pm doors open at 6:30pm - bar available

Thoresby Miners Welfare,Fourth Avenue, Edwinstowe NG21 9PB

organised by Victoria Oates

The Spirit of Christmas-An evening of outstanding Mediumship with Medium, Author and star of Psychic TV-Ian Doherty with Guest Medium-Libby.

Starts 7.30pm Doors Open 6.30pm Bar Open
Tickets £12 each available from Thoresby Welfare or
High House Management tel: 0845 3 299 585
or e-mail:
Tickets are limited to 250 so please book early to avoid disappointment.

To find out more please visit

Monday 8 November 2010

Dudley Castle

On the 5th November I returned to the very atmospheric location that is Dudley castle. The
group of people in attendance on the event were very interactive which led to some interesting
phenomenon being witnessed.

Whilst in the zodiac room one of the group reported that her camera had fallen onto the floor,
nothing paranormal in that I hear you say, yet when you consider that her purse was still
zipped, coupled with both the testimony from her friend that this was so, and the very worried
look on her face spoke volumes.

One person was having their shoulder tapped at the time they were holding hands with the person to either side of them. There were in this same room two incidents of people having objects thrown at them. Try as we could, we found nothing what so ever as being the cause for this......

Dare you go on a ghost hunt....for full report view

Thursday 4 November 2010

Halloween at The galleries

The Galleries of Justice is a very imposing building, and within its wall lurk a multitude of ghosts, and as you descend through the many floors, it is as if you are stepping back in time..........

Two ladies on different vigils felt hand upon their breasts, yet the group stood holding hands, keys were heard jangling and and throttled noises issued forth from ghostly lips.....

The full report can be located on

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Diet continued

Well there has been some movement within my diet regime!!!

I now regularly undertake cardio exercises up to 5 times a week for a half hour duration, sometimes increasing this to a 45 minute session. I have an elliptical trainer which gets the heart level raised along with much sweat too. Secondly I have a low end rowing machine, only set to level five at its maximum, though this did take several weeks to attain, I now use this setting for all my rowing. Thirdly I have a high end exercise bike, plugged into the mains for the display and electromagnetic difficulty settings, no more flywheels with cheap belts for tension........

I have in 9 weeks gone from 12 stone 2 pounds to 10 stone 12 - a healthier waistline too - and increased cardiovascular fitness.......

Time for some new clothes!!!!

Monday 1 November 2010


It has been a little while since my last blogg - I have been so busy, which in itself is a very good thing, as it provides for more interaction with the public.

I was at the Galleries of justice on Friday the 29th and 31st of October, resulting in some very interesting phenomenon taking place. Footsteps were heard where no person was to be found, chains were heard rattling along an empty corridor, keys jangled whilst hanging on a hook, people standing well clear so as not to accidentally move them; whilst a strangled cry issued forth into a dark and dingy cell......reports of both events to follow later in the week (

On the 30th I visited Belgrave hall in Leicester, a fantastic venue, and one which holds much promise for future investigations....

Wednesday 1 September 2010


Hi all - after much contemplation and some proverbial kicking up the backside, I have decided to get down to loosing some weight.

Part of the reason is self image, egotistical I dare say, never the less, I do not feel overly happy with the way I look, my stomach pushing hard against my trousers and belt.

A second part of the reason is of health, as being overweight can have its impact upon general health issues. I also believe that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, and with the increase in workload taking place also necessitates me getting off my backside.

So the tale of the tape - weight 12 stone 2 - 42 inch chest and 37 inch waistline - I am thus aiming to lose 11 kilos and bring me back down to 10 stone 7 and a couple or three trouser sizes down too.

To think I used to be a fitness fanatic, running an average 5 and a half minute mile over distance and with my weight training, could squat 30 stone.

Starting training as well as changing my life style brought some stark realisations, of what I could not now do, to be honest it brought tears to my eyes and some self disgust, natural I dare say, though I am very determined to succeed - I further aim to have a solid six pack by this time next year.

As always - be well


Thursday 19 August 2010

aura art

I will be doing a demonstration of aura art on 19th August at Warmsworth and Eglington Spiritualist church commencing 7pm and a further demonstration at the Fir Trees Spiritual centre on 21st August.

Above is a selection of drawings compiled so far. Would be good to see you there - be well

Tuesday 17 August 2010

colour workshop

The colour workshop hosted by took place on 15th August at 10 am. There was a full house consisting of lovely people who were eager to learn, lots of questions asked, leading to more questions and fantastic interaction.

I feel that a lot was learned, from student and teacher, questions leading to other questions some quite thought provoking, stimulating. The colours which were sensed and seen around each of the people were interpreted by the themselves with some surprising results.

The aura photography which took place later in the afternoon reinforced what people had seen themselves, helping to build upon what had been learned earlier in the day, and to build upon the confidence levels of all.

A big thank you to all

Thursday 5 August 2010

Coal House Fort, Essex 31st July 2010

I must admit to being quite impressed with the level of interaction upon this event, the group of people were interactive and keen to interact which lead to such a high level of activity.

The latrine block used during the second world war as both a toilet and a shower block for the soldiers manning the guns were undoubtedly the most active I had experienced at this location. Stones were thrown around the room, the largest of these being a piece of concrete about 3 inches by 1 inch, bland in colour and landed on a table behind where the group where stood. The walls of the latrine area are painted in white, yet the piece of concrete was bland in colour. There were several smaller stones thrown onto the floor and on one occasion several people including myself were hit in the chest area by small stones.

Well worth the visit, and would highly recommend it

Friday 30 July 2010


I have been a little remiss in not keeping my blog more up to date, hence I would like to catch up with you all.

The last couple of months have been quite hectic, which is good mind you. The aura photography side of my work has seen a great rise in demand, partly I feel to my thorough understanding and interpretation of the colours indicated around people.

There has also been a marked increase in my workshops with trance coming to the fore in many respects, which gladdens my heart as spirit are so much wanting to communicate with people on a deeper level. The trance workshop run at spiritual roots in Leeds was to a packed house and some very good results, and enjoyed by all.

A mini trance workshop and ghost hunt on 7th August at Alcester town hall could prove quite interesting, as it allows to dispel any fears people may have about the subject of trance and provides people with a good opportunity as most in attendance would not have ready access to a medium.

As always I look forward to working with such a variety of people - be well all

Monday 19 July 2010

Trance Ghost Hunt

on 7th August I will be undertaking another mini trance workshop and ghost investigation of Alcester Town Hall - a great success the last time around.

The mini workshop is based upon the ground breaking book "Teachings from William"

A good amount of activity occurred on our last visit, are you brave enough? tickets are selling fast so don't miss out, contact for your ticket

Be well

Thursday 10 June 2010

psychic artwork

I am demonstrating tonight at Sutton in Ashfield Spiritualist church.

Over the last three days I have been going into my office and calming the mind and letting the pastels paint a picture. It seems a little strange though expectant in a way that the way in which the drawing is completed.

I found myself pacing up and down, feelings of agitation, wanting to slam the colours down to tear up the paper, yet I came to understand that these were the feelings associated with the person for who the drawing is for. The sensitivities inherent with this work have begun to permeate into my perceptions, I gain a deeper insight into what is occurring around the person indicated by association to the drawing.

The symbology depiction too has begun to change, faces and figures appear at will, random images it seems, a depiction of personalities perhaps.

I will post some of the artwork from this demonstration into the blog tomorrow.

Be well

Friday 4 June 2010

Inspirational verse

The text below was given from the spirit side of life, the words of inspiration uttered by the beautiful persona of my friend Bullawao

Progress can not be measured by wealth, for money does not grow on trees, true progress can be seen etched on the face of loved ones, both family and friends, progress is the opening of the heart, letting the song of life speak freely amongst all peoples, no matter their colour or creed.

Progress is enshrouded in opportunity, freely given each and every day of your lives, progress is in the understanding and rising to these opportunities, recognising the web of life as it in turn weaves around the world, through all countries and nations, no matter their beliefs.

Progress is linked to each and every one, to every heart that beats, to every flower that reaches towards the sun, to every tree that gives shade, to each river that feeds the land, to all peoples, for all are woven in the fabric of life, what we do to each other, we do unto ourselves

Progress comes with respect for the pathways of others which though not our own are nonetheless intertwined.


Thursday 3 June 2010



Forgiveness is letting go of grudges and embittered feelings caused by being hurt, more so by a person you love. We have a tendency to hold onto anger, resentment and thoughts of revenge, it clouds our hearts with an emptiness, the spark of light that represents our true selves, our spirit within is dulled, a withering flame.

What is forgiveness – it is a conscious choice, a desire to let go our feelings of resentment, though the act of hurt itself may remain a lifetime, a pale memory of its former self, as through the act of forgiveness the icy grip is lessened, the spark of spirit glows ever so bright, the shadow within being cast asunder, a lightness of heart, a smile upon the face once more, a radiance within.

It is not an easy path to tread, yet by taking those first tender steps gladdens a weary heart, and allows for personal and spiritual growth to take place, for in choosing to forgive allows a greater understanding and empathy with the person who caused the hurt, we can see more clearly, for the spark of light we each carry seeks the light of others.

Tuesday 11 May 2010


Alcester Town Hall

My first visit to this very picturesque building, not as large as I had anticipated, nevertheless a lot of activity took place.

Witnessed by several people including myself, a glasses case was removed from a closed bag and dropped onto the floor approximately 3 feet away from the chair on which the bag had been placed.

One person reported the sensations of being pinched on their left hand side, bearing in mind people were stood around in a circle, holding hands. On closer inspection they had an angry red welt around the size of my clenched fist.

A couple of people were touched or prodded on the shoulder, back of the legs and head.

For a full report visit and download the word document

Sunday 2 May 2010

Charity mediumship night

On 1st of May a charity evening of mediumship was held at the Queen Adelaide pub in Sneinton, Nottingham, in aid of Heart Links - based in Leicester and helps children with heart problems.

The event was organised by Emma Boswkill, with myself and my fellow colleague Libby Knight presenting the mediumship.

There were 70 people arranged around the room, families and friends laughing and chatting, was lovely to see everyone enjoying themselves.

Both Libby and I work in differing ways, with humour, honesty and open hearts. There were the odd tears on the night, but so much laughter our sides hurt.

As Libby commented, "it was so fantastic to have raised so much money, particularly in the current climate, and for such a wonderful charity"

Emma raised £1065 on the night

Be well

Thursday 22 April 2010

Aura colour and photography workshop

The workshop took place on 17th April 2010

It was a good turn out with people having a good standing of the aura and colour as well as some who did not have to much experience of this subject, so a nice balance was obtained.

I must admit to the group taking on board the dynamics and structure of the human aura very well indeed, with question arising from the teaching being discussed and answered to the satisfaction of the enquirer.

The event ran over the course of the day with a break for some lunch and a walk around the garden to freshen the mind for the practical elements of the workshop. The event culminated in aura photographs being taken and interpreted by the group based upon what they had learned through the day.

My next workshop is taking place on 24th April at Wath upon Derne Spiritualist church 10:30 to 4:30 and will be based upon aura art (refer to and view my artwork and explanations of how it is completed.

I am currently planning more workshops - so watch this space.

Tuesday 6 April 2010


Good day to you all, I have been extremely busy this past few weeks, this is always nice as it keeps the roof over my head and the car on the road, and of course a fat belly with all the pies I have been eating.

A turbulent couple of months have seen an engagement come and go, the shortest on record I dare say. It is nice however that we are both staying as friends, for how can you be some intimate, both physically and emotionally and stay so.

I have also made some inroads into my career, having passed and interview and trail period for

My readings are beginning to reflect this aspect as I am now able to offer both Spiritualist readings whereby I connect with your loved ones in spirit and psychic readings by way of a suggested future that could take place around you. Each are conducted on a one to one or party booking basis

Wishing you all well


Tuesday 16 March 2010

Clithero Castle

You could see the castle looming into view, standing high on a hill top bathed in the floodlights, an imposing sight.

I was present with three other people whilst waiting in the base room for the rest of the people to arrive for the event. I was joking with one of the hosts for the evening. As this was taking place a large floor broom which at the time was leaning against a wall suddenly move away to a distance of
6 to 10 inches and slammed back against the wall. I was stood approximately 8 feet away whilst the other three people, who were facing towards me and thus were able to verify the activity.

The Electro Magnetic Frequency (EMF) readers were going crazy on the night also, all of which were registering well into the high end activity.

A number of loud bangs were heard in response to the groups interaction.

The report can be read in full at and clicking onto ghost hunt reports tab on the left of the page.

Sunday 7 March 2010

the colour of disease

I am currently in the process of conducting research into the colours associated with disease and illness as displayed into the aura.

I would welcome the opportunity of meeting people with known illness/disease in order to observe the colours and thus build up a database of colour associations.

If you are willing and are able to help in this endeavour please email me at

thank you

Thursday 4 March 2010

Woodchester Mansion

This building really sets the scene as far as ghost hunting goes, the visage you are presented with as you round the corner of the small dirt track, a large house more reminiscent with the Adams Family looms before you...............

It was a good night with some interesting phenomenon taking place. The bathroom was a little weird to say the least. For the first time ever on one of these investigations, I was violently sick. The cause I felt was a multiple of having a bad cough, taking some medicine and the energies within the room on the night.

The full report can now be viewed on

Thursday 25 February 2010

Galleries ghost hunting

The Galleries of Justice in Nottingham never ceases to amaze me with the amount and regularity of paranormal ocurrences. I last visited on the 13th February and whilst working with the group of people in attendance helped them experience the paranormal.

I do at times have to check myself in the fact that to me this is normal, my everyday life evolves around communicating with people passed away. As such to see someone wide eyed with terror brings a realisation of how scared I once was.

One man, part of a small group of people reacting so naturally to being prodded in his side, just above his left hip, he jumped back and expletives issued forth from his lips, the look on his face said it all - for him, a life opened to the possibility that we do continue after death.

In the hanging cell, as you may expect, quite an active area, people are continuously having their hair pulled, their clothes pulled, and prodded.

To view the report of the event, click here

Monday 8 February 2010


Isn't it funny what life brings our way, the ups and downs along with the frustations and pure excitement. Working in the way that I do, connecting people with their loved ones, to renew once more the love which can be felt so strongly as the spirit person draws close. I can imagine them stood looking over my shoulder saying, "thats the one I want to talk to, over there" the love at times brings tears to the eye, a lump in the throat, but always in happiness.

It has been through working with spirit, their constant support and humour (not where I derive mine from though) has helped me through some very dark times indeed, times I feel we all must at times walk through, the loss of a loved one, a relationship ended, a pet gone to heaven....all have a profound affect upon us.

Needless to say spirit have always told me that "miss right" was on her way....and into my life she walks. I have found I can fly, I can dare to dream upon fluffy clouds, my heart to sing, the love that has always been there, now finding an outlet which can surely shine like the light of spirit itself.

Thank you too to all my friends who have politely laughed at my jokes, been there for me in times of need, to help pick me up when I have fallen........hugs to you all



I have attached some of my artwork from my latest demonstration at Unstone Grange. It was an intimate evening with a few tears, of both sadness and joy. The demonstration encompasses a psychic interpretation of the image drawn followed with a message from a relative who has taken their transition, hence it can be a very personal ocassion.

Thursday 28 January 2010


It brings such joy in seeing the faces of people as they learn to unfold
their mediumistic abilities, the wonderment and often stark looks of
"WOW" along with the tears of joy - moves me ever so much.

I am currently a Tutor at Safe Haven Spiritual Community situated in Unstone
Grange on the outskirts of Dronfield in Derbyshire. Here over fifty people visit
each Tuesday and Wednesday for the development of mediumship, Healing and
Trance work.

I also teach from my home, having converted my garage into my workroom, the
group here as a lovely group of people having blended together so closely over the
preceeding months, their level of ability reflected not only in their love of spirit but
also thier close bond. It has amazed me in the way in which with the help of spirit
these people have opened their minds to a world seemingly unseen yet ever so close.

I honestly look forward to the time when they too can set forth on their journey into
the wider world and bring joy to so many.

Ruthin Gaol

My fist visit to this location, a old jail with the first buildings have been erected around the
mid 17th century. The whole place made you feel ill at ease, partly due to the scene aroun
you, cell after cell seemingly into the heavens, yet below in the dankly lit rooms, the sense of
foreboding, agony and despair.

The condemned cell was most poignment for me, seeing the ghostly visage of a priest
dressed in his fine vestments and adorned in a rounded hat with a wide rim, as he stood
there washing his hands in a shinny silver bowl; shivers went through me, what of the
poor soul waiting to be escorted to the hangmans noose......

For a full report visit

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Galleries of Justice

My first investigation of 2010 working with Frightnights, the market leading company for the paranormal.

There was an air of expectation along with a sense of the sinister.......

The area of the hanging cell was particularly active once more, not only were there audible footsteps heard in the corridor outside, an intense bright light was witnessed by all in the cell itself, a few people were physically touched.

In the chapel area, the second group were holding their vigil and whilst conducting glass divination the door leading from the chapel to the cave area inexplicably closed under its own violition..... dare you visit the Galleries.

You can view the full report at