Wednesday 1 September 2010


Hi all - after much contemplation and some proverbial kicking up the backside, I have decided to get down to loosing some weight.

Part of the reason is self image, egotistical I dare say, never the less, I do not feel overly happy with the way I look, my stomach pushing hard against my trousers and belt.

A second part of the reason is of health, as being overweight can have its impact upon general health issues. I also believe that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, and with the increase in workload taking place also necessitates me getting off my backside.

So the tale of the tape - weight 12 stone 2 - 42 inch chest and 37 inch waistline - I am thus aiming to lose 11 kilos and bring me back down to 10 stone 7 and a couple or three trouser sizes down too.

To think I used to be a fitness fanatic, running an average 5 and a half minute mile over distance and with my weight training, could squat 30 stone.

Starting training as well as changing my life style brought some stark realisations, of what I could not now do, to be honest it brought tears to my eyes and some self disgust, natural I dare say, though I am very determined to succeed - I further aim to have a solid six pack by this time next year.

As always - be well
